Loud music warning falls on deaf ears (The Star/ The Globe and Mail)

Loud music warning falls on deaf ears (The Star/ The Globe and Mail)

And the loud sounds were more often associated with those with “poor hearing”.

For example, when respondents with a severe hearing impairment were compared with those without, the researchers found that the loudness of so???????unds in their own homes was higher in areas with an “acutely or very poorly” severe hearing impairment (such as for example, if the sound was heard repeatedly over time).

These findings suggest the frequency of sound in homes is influenced, in part, by the severity of a hearing impairment, according to the study’s author, Dr. Christine MacNaughton, a professor of optometry at McMaster University. The researchers are interested in finding out whether this influences how people with hearing impairment, people who speak too much, use music, watch TV, and how they interact with other people.

While the exact mechanism of how loud sounds play a role in our hearing is still under investigation, MacNaughton points out that it’s probably not due to simp?? ? ???le noise-cancelling mechanisms that the researchers tested. Rather, it might be down????? to human speech.

While we’re being taught that loud music makes us feel better, this study suggests that this “sense of better listening” in music may not actually be true.