Own Technologies:
- Mohseni, E., Kalayathine, J. J. , Reinecke, S., Hampel, U., Dynamics of bubble formation at micro-orifices under constant gas flow conditions. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 132, 103407 (2020).
- Herrmann-Heber, R., Reinecke, S. F., Hampel, U., Dynamic aeration for improved oxygen mass transfer in the wastewater treatment process. Chemical Engineering Journal, 386, 122068 (2020).
- Mohseni, E., Herrmann-Heber, R., Reinecke, S. F., & Hampel, U., Bubble generation by micro-orifices with application on activated sludge wastewater treatment. Chemical Engineering and Processing – Process Intensification, 143, 107511 (2019).
- Mohseni, E., Herrmann-Heber, R., Reinecke, S. F., & Hampel, U., Bubble Generation by Solid Membrane Spargers for Activated Sludge Wastewater Treatment Application. Proceedings of 9th Eastern European Young Water Professionals Conference IWA YWP, 24.-27. May 2017, Budapest, Ungarn (2017).
Special measurement techniques:
- Sommer, A.-E., Wagner, M., Reinecke, S. F., Bieberle, M., Barthel, F., Hampel, U., Analysis of activated sludge aerated by membrane and monolithic spargers with ultrafast X-ray tomography. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 53, 18–27 (2017).
- Reinecke, S. F., Hampel, U., Instrumented flow-following sensor particles with magnetic position detection and buoyancy control. Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems, 5(1), 213–220 (2016).
- Reinecke, S. F., Deutschmann, A., Jobst, K., Kryk, H., Friedrich, E., Hampel, U., Flow following sensor particles – Validation and macro-mixing analysis in a stirred fermentation vessel with a highly viscous substrate. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 69, 159–171 (2012).
CFD, Gas injection technology and Facilities/Upscale:
- Höhne, T., Mamedov, T., CFD Simulation of Aeration and Mixing Processes in a Full-Scale Oxidation Ditch. Energies, 13 (7), 1633 (2020).
- Reinecke, S. F., Höffmann, A. K., Hampel, U., Ehrhard, P., Stachowske, M., „Leistungsoptimierung von Kläranlagen durch gezielte Strömungsführung in Belebtschlammbecken – LEOBEL“, Schlussbericht, DBU AZ30799 (2018).
- Herrman-Heber, R., Kutschke, S., Reinecke, S. F., Hampel, U., „Steigerung der Energieeffizient bei der biologischen Abwasserreinigung durch den Einsatz von Kanülenbegasern mit dem Ziel eines nachhaltigen Gewässer- und Klimaschutzes – SEBAK”, Schlussbericht, MKULNV 17-04.02.01-9a/2014 (2018).
- Rzehak, R., Krepper, E., Euler-Euler Simulation of Mass-transfer in Bubbly Flows. Chemical Engineering Science, 155, 459-468 (2016).
- Hänsch, S., Lucas, D., Krepper, E., Höhne, T., A multi-field two-fluid concept for transitions between different scales of interfacial structures. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 47, 171-182 (2012).
Chemistry and Biotechnology:
- Jain, R., Fan, S., Kaden, P., Tsushima, S., Foerstendorf, H., Barthen, R., Lehmann, F., Pollmann, K., Recovery of gallium from wafer fabrication industry wastewaters by Desferrioxamine B and E using reversed-phase chromatography approach. Water Research, 158, 203–212 (2019).
- Jain, R., Peräniemi, S., Jordan, N., Vogel, M., Weiss, S., Foerstendorf, H., Lakaniemi, A.-M., Removal and recovery of uranium(VI) by waste digested activated sludge in fed-batch stirred tank reactor. Water Research, 142, 167–175 (2018).
- Michaux, B., Rudolph, M., & Reuter, M. A., Challenges in predicting the role of water chemistry in flotation through simulation with an emphasis on the influence of electrolytes. Minerals Engineering, 125, 252–264 (2018).