Real-Scale Research
New ideas developed by CLEWATEC and its partners can be tested in the twinned setups available at HZDR, namely the bioreactors in the Wastewater Bio-Laboratory and the Digital Mobile Wastewater Pilot Plant. Moreover, a long-term collaboration agreement between CLEWATEC and the water company of Dresden – Stadtentwässerung Dresden – has been made in order to demonstrate potential innovations in a real scale setup. Detailed objectives of this service are:
- Run parallel tests of wastewater treatment systems with high comparability
- Scale-up innovative technologies
- Reduce time to market of new developments for industrial partners
The capabilities available in CLEWATEC for simulations, flow measurements, and chemical and biological analyses are fully implemented in real scale research to deliver the best possible applicable results.
- BSL-S2-BioLab
- Mobile wastewater pilot plant
- Multiphase flow laboratory
- DN 900 sludge bioreactors
- Gas pulsation units
- WWTP sparger test unit
- Ozonation test setup
- AOP test setup